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tv   Good Morning Washington at 500  ABC  September 24, 2010 5:00am-6:00am EDT

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them to pull the plug. >> this is "good morning washington." >> we are coming up on 5:00 a.m.. >> we begin with your traffic and weather every 10 minutes. first, how is it shaping up? >> high temperatures are in the mid-90's. it feels like summer. it is the hottest summer on record. today it is in 90 degree day. i do not think we will get there come tomorrow. temperatures right now are near 70 degrees. we are checking in at 64 degrees. here is our forecast for today.
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95 degrees is the high temperature. saturday, a lot of sunshine from th. let's go back to lisa. >> in virginia, we have lingering roads to go was bound to 66 degrees. they said they will be pulling it to the shoulders very soon. this is the drive on the gu ieceico mark. there are plenty of cameras to what. -- watch. we will go back to allison and pamela. >> we do have breaking news. a police pursuit that end in a hail of gunfire. this happened at around 3:00 this afternoon. it ended in southeast
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washington. we will standing by live with the latest details. >> there are a number of police officers out here searching this area. we have canine units out there. one person is looking for another man who got away on budget. another of individuals also fled in a stolen vehicle. it began around 3:15 a.m. this morning on silver hill road. officers say they were pursuing two cars. one was on another car. officers are blocking it. it was following. it came to a stop. the carjacking vehicle is still on the run. we know shot for exchange. no one was injured. they do have this area.
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they are looking for one person on good to got away. the vehicle that was still and is still not available. you can see it can to a final stop. we will continue following this story and bring you the latest. >> thank you so much. a woman is put to death in virginia for the first time in nearly a century. >> she has been executed by lethal injection despite appeals from europe from john grisham and thousands of mine. she is convicted hiring two men to kill her husband in september . >> she did make a last statement. she said "i just want kathy to know i walove her."
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>> she had the opportunity to give him a bit of kindness. she did not. >> many argue that she did not have the iq to organize the murder for hire. they say it is unfair that the two gunmen got life in prison. the 17-your old that is being charged as an adult for the murder of a catholic university student. he is arraigned today in charge of felony murder. police believe robbery was the this suspect has been associated with it. a vigil is planned for our local politicians who died after being hit by a car on sunday while riding their bikes. natasha was a green party candidates in the senate race. the vigil will be held at 6:00 this evening. flames are smoldering after fire
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races through a neighborhood. the flames raced their homes in the 8300 block in manassas. three homes were destroyed and eight others and damage. they complain>> before you knewd about 15 minutes, it was gone. >> it is a complete loss. there is nothing left. >> firefighters all joined forces to battle the blaze. it took them several hours to get the blaze under control. investigators are trying to determine what started a fire that killed a mother and her two children. they died when flames raced through their lorton home. three other children survived.
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d.c. the democratic nominee gray appears to have supporters in high places. eric holder said he voted for gray. he made the mission after meeting with gray at the building yesterday. he is meeting with the attorney general. he also had a discussion with michelle rhee. they talked about the state of d.c. schools. they did not talk about rhee's future. they will talk about that when they meet again in the next two weeks. >> we will have to wait and see. still ahead, stephen colbert to a trip to capitol hill. we will tell you why. >> and look back at the life of a singer known for his scandalous life. >> a snake pit at the droiiiid.
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what this droid does will change how you do web connections. this creates a mobile 3g hotspot, powerful enough to fuel multiple devices at will. putting you at the center of your own world wide web. introducing the new droid x. the next generation of does.
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>> what the board patchy fog. predict what out for patchy fog.
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. watch out for patchy fog. you know your neighborhood better than i do. keep that in mind when you head out to school. [inaudible] mostly sunny skies. it is another hot day. we will break the record high temperatures. mid-90's for the high temperatures. the weekend will be cooler and in the mid-80's. >> minnesota ave close where police chase ended today. according to d.c., it is minnesota avenue that shutdown
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were branch avenue would emerge. 95 between richmond and baltimore will give you normal travel times this morning. >> thank you. americans are mourning the loss of a hollywood icon, eddie fisher. he died of complications of a hip surgery. he peeked in the 1950's. in his career was overshadowed by a scandal any divorce debbie reynolds and married elizabeth taylor. he is the father of actress carrie fisher. >> it is 5:11. >> a globalize without facebook. do remember what that is like? for the second day in a row, and they shut down. >> that is the main reason i'm testifying, to get that c-span dumped from my ratings.
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>> stephen colbert testified before congress. the issue that has some speaking out. >> parts of the midwest are out. >> parts of the midwest are
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>> police are now looking for a carjacking suspect who shot at them. prince george's county police were chasing too vehicles. what was carjacked and another was following. one suspect was eventually caught. they have about carjackers got away. >> a virginia woman became the first female to be executed in the u.s. in five years. teresa lewis killed by lethal injection for arranging to have her husband and stepson killed.
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she apologized to her daughter and husband she killed. they are trying to figure out what fire started in manassas,. authorities say the wind helped the fire spread to neighboring homes. 11 people were displaced. part of wisconsin and minnesota are under a state of emergency as heavy rain continued to pound the region. several committees have been evacuated and rivers and creeks overflow. there is ready to get even more rain. >> the u.s. delegation walked out of the united nations after it iran's the made extreme allegations. >> president obama's speech advocated working in the middle east. >> an agreement is not reached, palestinians and never know what comes with their state. israel is a never know the certainty of security that comes
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as sovereign unstable neighbors. >> mr. obama said the door to of diplomacy remain open. it seems more likely to close after the president of the floor. >> mahmoud othman demijohamahade u.s. is behind the 9/11 attacks. delegations walked out. mr. obama found it deeply offensive. >> he is changing the focus from him and his stewardship to issues that is much more confident talking about. >> president obama has an interview scheduled with bbc persia. it'll be a chance for him to talk directly to the albanian people. -- i iranian people. >> the san has pushed back a vote on whether to extend the
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bush tax cuts. it'll take place after the november elections. republicans and democrats want to extend all of those tax breaks. it is aha 5:17. stephen colbert will move from funny to serious today. >> he will be testifying before congress. he will testify on farm workers who are illegal immigrants. he took part in the united farm workers program which invited people to replace illegal immigrants to work on farms. >> i went out there. i worked 10 hours in the field. i had to stop. my doctors told me i developed a condition known as a blister. >> they hold in dueling rallies.
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>> turning to today's technology by, faced a surprise the worst out in four years. dick facebook survived the worst out in four years. >> about half a billion people had a little extra time on their hands thursday. they called it the worst out in over four years. facebook fix the problem which was blamed on a software flaw. television junkies can catch a bunch episodes of their shows while on the go. hulu is a new app. both services are promising and not worth it just yet. >> $10 a month is a bit too much to pay at this point for a fighter who blew or predict who -- for hulu or blipbop. you can read his full review at
5:19 am >> it is 5:18. it is time now for traffic and weather. we are joined the latest on what to expect for the weekend. so many people are dealing with something. i do not know of this allergies or what. >> you both have had some issues to deal with. is there pollen or mold? >> it is not excessive. it is even lower than it has them. it has been spreading around. it is 73 degrees a reagan national. look at this temperature. it is 70 degrees. it is monday outside. there is a little bit of patchy
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fog. you know your neighborhood better than i do. the district is 74 degrees. i'm still a 65 degrees along with stafford. this means your air is saturated. the relative humidity is 100%. let's go to the graphic. yesterday was a hot one. 93 degrees for the high temperature at reagan international airport. today the average high temperature is 77 degrees. the record high is 94 degrees. this is updated weekly. the biggest change is the dry area extending eastward. it is still an extreme drought
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northwest of town. we need some showers. we are anticipating a better chance of rain by monday and tuesday. mostly sunny today. but go back to the set. >> you have minnesota avenue near circle blanchbranch closed. they are looking for someone in the area. the fog seems to be what most of the cobbler's want to discuss and how dangerous it is. we can see the cameras. >> your time is 5:21. they win their third straight. a major player is moving on. find out who, coming up next.
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oprah is live from chicago with three actioreaction to the founf facebook's one under million dollar -- $100 million donation.
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>> welcome back. hbo plans to feature of the capital with a behind-the-
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scenes documentary it is leading up to the match up. >> how did they really feel about each other? we will soon hear that uncensored. here is more on the surprise announcement on a national park. >> we start with the big news. the national president announced his resignation yesterday at the end of the season. he said he only wanted to do this for five years. this is it. he has in the face of the organization since may 2006. you is very involved with the building of the sta the building of the statement -- stadium. >> there is some tough negotiations. these are personal decisions that he has made. he will be met in greatly appreciated for what he did. >> the club is only one of eight
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of the gains. they have won three in a row. this is the dinger. he has been on fire lately. they go on to beat the astros. the final game was 7-2. have a great day, every 58. >> we have 71 degrees. still ahead, on haiti perry takes a walk down when the most famous street in the world. you'll never see it on the show. we will look at the growing controversy. >> a high-speed chase from prince george's county police officers. i am live on the scene. >> it feels
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this kenmore elite multi-motion washer... how does that work? hit it! see, other machines only go in circles. this kenmore elite has multi-motions for a custom clean. it scrubs to help lift stains, rolls to wash gently, swings, steps, and tumbles. better than just circles, what! sorry. get a free stainless steel upgrade on top brands,
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and 15% off all appliances. plus save up to an additional $250 instantly with our appliance trade-in program. sears. >> this is >> this is "good morning washington, ." >> she said, i want happy to note that i love you and i am sorry. >> regina carries out a controversial execution despite international calls for clemency. it is great to have the along with this on this friday morning freudenth. >> we will have much more on that in a moment. let's examine traffic and weather. we will have the first check on what could be a record-breaking forecast. is this the day with a break the record? >> today will go down as the
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6690 degree day of the year -- 66th 90 degree day of the year . if you are talking boug-- can nationals record highs. temperatures right now are on the mild side. marten's fur is a little cooler. some showers are in the midwest abortiv. southland said five or 50 miles. it will be sunny and cooler tomorrow. we need the rainbow the rain chances are looking better and better. >> things are looking worse on
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the highway because of a frog. but -- fod. -- fog. we notice a heavier volume of traffic. nor th95 northbound open. >> a manhunt underway right now for carjacking suspect. police chased the suspect into the district. we are live with the late breaking details. >> everything is still developing out here. they do now have two people in custody. there of looking for a number of other individuals that got away in a stolen vehicle.
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police officers are on the same. this one has to cars involved. the two people are in custody. officers are looking for more. . began around 315 this morning. this was at an exxon gas station. a call came in for a carjacking. they got into a high-speed chase into the district. phoenix came to a brief halt -- things came to a brief halt. this is the car that was following. a car that was still and got away. it is now a 2004 burgundy toyota avenue. you can see the plate there on your screen.
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if any information, you are asked to call police. people could be armed and dangerous. there was gunfire that was exchange between police and suspects. we also want to let you know that the minnesota avenue is blocked off from 31st street all the way to g street, >> thank you very much. 5"33 is our time. there is international outcry over the execution of a virginia woman. teresa died by lethal injection last night. of all to collected two and a $50,000 insurance payment after hiring two men to kill her husband and stepson. they say she lacks the intelligence to mastermind the killings fedor. teenagers being held without bond about yesterday's current
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-- after yesterday's court appearance. a friend of his was in court yesterday. >> i just want to make sure. i just the saw his face. it is what i wanted to do. quite steady show you any remorse? >> -- did he show you any remorse? >> i do not think i saw any of that. they believe robbery is the motive. >> several families are homeless after a fast-moving fire left an entire manassas' neighborhood in flames. this was the scene from the helicopter. a damaged eight homes. a completely destroyed three others.
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>> firefighters day here on scene overnight. they are just looking down this house on the left with one hot spot. the smell of smoke and ash is still very heavy in the air. the fire was very powerful. the fire ignited and spread from home to home in a matter of minutes. >> it was like he was coming my direction. >> we captured these dramatic pictures. it was all unfolding on the 8300 block. neighbors called 9-1-1 when they saw smoke around 3:00 p.m. moments later, the house was involved. >> it was completely in flames. within 15 minutes, it is completely gone. >> they say high winds caused burning embers to jump from one house to the next. >> the guy who called it in, the next neighbor had no danger to
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his house. now the house is gone. >> after several hours, firefighters are able to knock the flames down. >> it is a complete loss. there is nothing left. >> was such dry conditions, and neighbors are staying on guard. >> where trying to figure out what to do next. >> the families are now getting assistance from the red cross and the manasseh's emergency management. >> thank you very much. now some reassuring words about the safety of metro. they have taken steps to improve safety since lester's deadly crash. in july, she issued a report criticizing what she called the anemic safety culture. she says they have made clear progress on the issues. >> michelle rhee's future is still in limbo.
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she and gray met for more than an hour yesterday. the issue will be discussed when they meet again in a few weeks. it is now 5:37 on a friday morning. the fda takes action. the latest warning for diabetes patients. >> president obama hit the world stage. the u.s. walked out on the un. we will tell you why. building wind farms and
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expanding clean energy manufacturing. but in america, gridlock has held us back. now, the senate can change that - by passing a renewable electricity standard. it will spur development of clean energy and boost manufacturing in america, creating hundreds of thousands of new jobs. so we can make our own energy future - not just buy it from china. call your senators and urge them to pass a renewable electricity standard today.
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>> walked out for patchy fog. we have some locally then fog. you know your neighborhood better than i do. if some areas are prone to fog, anticipated. another hot and sticky day today.
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another day of hot and humid air. high temperatures are in the mid-90's. we will be moving through later tonight. you will notice the changes over the weekend. today's hot, sunny, and he met burda -- and humid. mid-80 posted tomorrow. it'll be mostly sunny. now let's go to the set. >> we do have police activities south east at randall circle. this is going to be closed for a long time. right now, it is live on the green belt. it is due in volume of the pace. >> thank you. 5:41 is your time.
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>> coming up, no senate days on katie perry's some mystery. we will have the latest on the war drew controversy. >> iran's president's reaction . >> we are following some breaking news. a police chase in and gunfire and the district. suspects are still on introducing the samsung fascinate powered by verizon.
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super amoled screen. six-axis 3d gaming and access to thousands of free apps. all in one ultra-thin package. you want it, we got it. buy a samsung fascinate and any other phone is free. only at verizon.
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>> you want to update you on our breaking news. police are searching for a suspect to shot dead them. they taste to carjackings suspects to southeast dc. exchange gunfire with the officers. no one was hurt. police are still looking for the other suspect. one was caught. >> virginia has executed a woman
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for the first time in nearly a century. teresa lewis was put to death by lethal injection for arranging the 2002 killing of her husband and steps them. there is 7000 pills to stop that execution. 300 destroyed and five others damaged as a fire moved there in manassas neighborhood. two people suffered minor injuries. 11 people were displaced. what is are in effect for central america. forecasters say the storm had winds of about 40 miles an hour. >> the president of iran extreme allegations yesterday. quite good morning. >> dozen delegations walked out
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for them he is said to make his first public comment since those words were uttered. he had a chance earlier in the day to make his own speech. the advocating working for peace and iran. the doors seem much more likely to close. americans were behind the attack. 27 others got up and walked out. the white house said in remarks were not surprising. today president obama has scheduled an interview with bbc perjure. -- bbc.
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>> thank you so much. we appreciate that. a bill to help struggling small businesses is on its way to president obama's desk. the house has approved a bill for a $30 billion fund to help small businesses. democrats hope this will allow small businesses to expand the high new workers. >> we had some tough new restrictions. they say patients will be able to get a prescription for the judge but only if they cannot control their blood sugar with other medication. they say it is an important treatment for tied to diabetes. it is time for a traffic and weather. >> we are here with the latest on this unusually warning day.
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there were a few record high temperatures. the should be the ones to go. we have so many things going on right now. it is hard to keep it straight. here is a look at the almanac. 77 degrees is our record high. we may try that. we may break it. i think it will be easier to break it. it is 90 degrees. the average is 77 degrees. they could be below average by sunday or monday in next week. there of a shift in the weather patterns for th. it could translate into heavier rain. right now, we are in the 60's.
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marten's fur is 65 degrees where in the middle of this low pressure system. of the cold system is right about here a. we are on the warm side. that means one more day of the heat and humidity. the cold front is off to the west. it is moving through late tonight and early tomorrow morning. that'll translate into a cooler temperatures. not only that, we will have a little did in our jet stream. this is something we will keep a close eye them. it is sunny today and tomorrow.
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mid-80's on saturday. it is on the outside. >> we can kind of sea. this fog -- we can kind of see through this fog. you get the feel of it. they travel times are still in our favor. >> we start with lindsay lohan. she could end up back in jail. she will be back in a california courtroom today. it is the first time she is facing a judge after failing a drug test. the judge laid out mr. treatment program for the troubled factors. he said he would center to jail for 30 days if she failed or misstate test. >> one thing after another for
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lindsay lohan. >> let's talk about a growing controversy. the pulled the plug on katie perry. >> ♪ ♪ >> it is because of her clothes. >> it did cheerewas a duet with. the thought the image to revealing for the kids ba. they said they will not included on the sherpow. >> we were surprised if they invited her. and not that fisher of the person to receive. >> i heard they are replacing her with lady gaga. >> that is a good one. she is wearing her meat bikini.
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>> we are going to take a quick break. ♪ [ female announcer ] bursting with mouth-watering real fruit and refreshingly blended with creamy, low-fat yogurt. mcdonald's new strawberry banana and wildberry smoothies are 100% pure sipping fun. the simple joy of real fruit smoothies. ♪
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but even though there is medical marijuana in d.c., there is no place to get it. he was to get a license if it is a concern in that neighborhood. one possible location is a
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wisconsin ave. >> our concerns is how will be handled, especially in an area where you have a lot of students. it is a historic district. >> 5 dispenser is may be located in the fisher. they can of beer in 1,000 feet of a school. it is 5:56. there is more ot come. >> willing to come live to washington where a manhunt for carjacking suspects are under way. >> there at the scene of this massive home fire. three homes were destroyed, five others badly damaged.
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still ahead this morning, our breaking news. a police pursuit ends in a hail of gunfire. plus, a historic execution in the commonwealth. virginia puts a woman to death. and williamsburg gets a
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safety grade more than a year after the crash. welcome back, everyone. i'm alison starling and this is "good morning washington." >> we're going to check in with lisa in just a minute, but we start with adam caskey. it is another hot one today. >> it is. we'll burn off the morning fog. we'll lift the fog deck and break it up. i have the relative humidity placed on there. that means the air temperature equals the lowering temperature, and the air is fully saturated. in the district, bethesda, stafford, temperatures in the 50's for the most part. mostly sunny,


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